Monday, June 24, 2013

Change of Plans and First People's Bison Jump

(Helena to Choteau, MT)

Our plan to head to north to Calgary and then west to Banff National Park had to be changed when we heard about the extreme flooding and resulting road closings between Calgary and Banff.  We decided to head west, then north.  Included in the change of plans was a stop at the First People's Buffalo Jump State Park. 

This is the biggest buffalo jump -- the u-shaped cliff and the prairie extend for miles.  At the visitor center, the park manager talked to us about the First Peoples and how they used the buffalo jump. 

Then we hiked 3 miles across the prairie and up the cliff face, on switchbacks, to the cliff top.  We enjoyed great and colorful views of the prairie where 'First Peoples'  from multiple tribes would gather for the hunt. The hunt involved collaboration of about 300 people, who would kill and process about 150 bison, which would sustain them for the winter.
Note:  The only buffalo we saw were in the visitor center!
To see more pictures of the Buffalo Jump State Park and the road to the next stop click Helena to Choteau.