Saturday, May 25, 2013

Seven Falls

When the Ice Skating Hall of Fame was closed for the second time,

we decided to check out Seven Falls, a commercial endeavor in a beautiful canyon where we could see one waterfall and maybe hike to see six more. 

Perhaps because of the recent drought here, the waterfalls were unimpressive. 

But the canyon was gorgeous.  For Jim who's interest in geology keeps growing and Sherry, who loves looking at rock formations, it was yet another amazing experience.

After watching a 10 minute Indian dance performance (the young Indians were very talented)

we decided to climb the stairs beside the waterfall -- 240 steps starting at an altitude of over 6300 feet! 

The air is very thin up here and that makes breathing difficult, especially when you're used to an altitude of 20 feet!  Along with dozens of other folks out celebrating the holiday weekend, we began the climb. 

I was quite dizzy every time I looked down, but I did manage to steel a few peeks at the waterfall, the surrounding rocks, and the view from the top.


Breathlessly, and weak-kneed, I made it to the top of the stairs. Once at the top we rested at a shelter, had a snack and some water, and continued, on level ground. 

After about 30 minutes we came to a small waterfall.

We took some pictures and chatted with a couple from Adelaide, AU, who are travelling through the US.  (Jim was wearing an Australia T shirt, so they wondered if we were their countryfolk. ) 

Jim tried to take some pictures of a butterfly, and he succeeded,

but not until after the butterfly parked for awhile on his hat!


We headed back to those incredible stairs, made it down safely,
stopped at the café for a well-deserved lemonade, and watched some kids trying to feed the chipmunks that hang out near the café. 

Then we walked through a cave in a mountain to an elevator (yes a real elevator) that took us up to a viewing platform where we had a great view of  main waterfall.

It was a wonderful and very tiring day. 

For more pictures of our day at Seven Falls,
click Seven Falls.